So the season of romantic rains continue on its last lap. Yummy chai, short dresses with gum boots, lush greens everywhere and also… dull, dead skin! ‘Alas, with the season, your skin changes too and you need to revamp your regime to get back your glow!’ says our beauty blogger Cathy D’Souza.

Exfoliate. Cleanse. Tone. Moisturize. Repeat.
Keep this mantra on echo mode in your head for the rest of the monsoons, and you’ll be safe! The extra moisture in the air, mud everywhere, too much oil and a lot of wind can damage your skin and result in pimple breakouts, rashes and worse! Ouch.
Avoid all of this by maintaining a skincare regime specially curated for the season!
Go natural with your exfoliating ingredients.
Use the easily available products off your kitchen rack. Coffee or crushed almonds can do the trick, when creamed with some yogurt or honey. Exfoliate at least twice a week to clean your pores and remove all dead skin.
It’s all about cleansing right, this season.
Dirt, moisture and oil is all that is caked on your face the moment you step out. So, clean your face regularly with a glycerin based face wash. After scrubs, you can use some apple cider vinegar or lemon and aloe-vera to clean up. And please, DO NOT be the person who sleeps with make-up on!
Tone your skin every day.
Use a water-based toner that will keep the oil away and you skin healthy. This works even for dry skin. Tomatoes are my go-to freshies for toning, as it also helps with the sun damage.
If your skin is oily, you can moisturize regularly with fresh papaya or strawberry oil. And if your skin gets dry during the season, coconut oil or yogurt are your dearest friends. Use these as a pack for about 10 minutes after exfoliating and cleansing. For daily use, search for an almond or cucumber based moisturizer without too much use of creams and oils.
HYDRATE. You need to keep your water levels up. This season is halfway cold, halfway sticky – making it one of those seasons when you’re never really satisfied with what you eat or drink. So, make sure you get a lot of fluids.
And finally, bear in mind that this weather can make your skin sensitive and prone to rashes or infections. So, wear soft cottons and easy-drying polyesters, and layer up with shrugs and jackets.
And finally, bear in mind that this weather can make your skin sensitive and prone to rashes or infections. So, wear soft
Forever Yours!