We’re crushing big time on the trendiest celebrity of the country, and we can’t keep calm. Why is she so hot? Cathy D’Souza breaks down all her major features, including, good looks, good looks and good looks!

5 reasons why we love Kareena Kapoor Khan?? I can give you a million reasons, but here we go!
Attitude? Or sheer confidence?
Have you ever seen her walk? Whether it’s on a ramp or the airport, she carries her fabulous class along with her. The phrase ‘head held high’ is literal when it comes to her. She emits the concept of ‘beauty in confidence’!
The world-famous pout
The slight inner pull of her cheeks, and the perfect pucker, with the hint of seduction in her eyes… sigh! She has mastered the art of pouts better than anyone in the industry.
Cheek bones that are chiselled to perfection
They’re higher, smoother and sharper than a sculpted Greek Goddesses’. They’re her finest feature and makes her look downright super-glamorous even in her jammies!
Fashion Finesse
Name one garment or outfit that she wouldn’t slay! From K3G to date, she’s flaunted her glamor in the best way possible and we can’t wait to try on her styles. We’ll never look as good, but NEED those styles anyway!
She’s Kareena Goddamn Kapoor!!
There’s no one better. Period. She’s a fab actress, a sassy celeb, hottest model there ever was, classiest fashionista and the sexiest mum! We love her… and you?
Bring your inner Bebo out, ‘coz we surely are planning to! Psst… stay tuned!
Forever Yours!